︎︎︎ Louise Smith, Rachel Smith, and Emma Bolland
︎︎︎ Rosie Blackburn & Tim Hardman

Series Two

︎︎︎ Sascha Akhtar
︎︎︎ Julia Calver
︎︎︎ Gesa Helms
︎︎︎ Karenjit Sandhu
︎︎︎ Tom Rodgers
︎︎︎ Jo Lee
︎︎︎ Vix Stephenson

Series One

︎︎︎ Anthony (Vahni) Capildeo
︎︎︎ Linda Cassels
︎︎︎ Mary Frances
︎︎︎ Helen Frank
︎︎︎ Mark Goodwin
︎︎︎ Jan Hopkins
︎︎︎ Terri Mullholland
︎︎︎ Phil Waterworth



Louise Smith, Rachel Smith, and Emma Bolland

BanaramaArtWriting is an art writing collective forged in Sheffield, embracing the DIY post-punk pop methodologies of their namesakes. 800 Libraries weaves Kropotkin, Warburg, and austerity data to protest against the punitive austerity measures of successive Tory governments.

(A5, 28 pages, soft cover, staple-bound)

Rosie Blackburn and Tim Hardman
Writing Space (Resounding)

Writing Space (Resounding)is the first in our strand of intergraphia Co-Labs: single pamphlets emerging from collaborations. Rosie Blackburn and Tim Hardman’s text is the transcript of their Beckettaian, ste specific performance score, wherein they speak to each other from different rooms in an empty building, questioning locations.

(A5, 16 pages, soft cover, staple-bound)