︎︎︎ Louise Smith, Rachel Smith, and Emma Bolland
︎︎︎ Rosie Blackburn & Tim Hardman

Series Two

︎︎︎ Sascha Akhtar
︎︎︎ Julia Calver
︎︎︎ Gesa Helms
︎︎︎ Karenjit Sandhu
︎︎︎ Tom Rodgers
︎︎︎ Jo Lee
︎︎︎ Vix Stephenson

Series One

︎︎︎ Anthony (Vahni) Capildeo
︎︎︎ Linda Cassels
︎︎︎ Mary Frances
︎︎︎ Helen Frank
︎︎︎ Mark Goodwin
︎︎︎ Jan Hopkins
︎︎︎ Terri Mullholland
︎︎︎ Phil Waterworth

Series One

Series One

Linda Cassels
Spirals Cycles and Flowers

A response to the overturning of Roe versus Wade and the ongoing attacks on women’s reproductive rights by South African born interdisciplinary artist and performer Linda Cassels.

(A5, 16 pages, soft cover, staple-bound)

︎ @sarahlindac