︎︎︎ Louise Smith, Rachel Smith, and Emma Bolland
︎︎︎ Rosie Blackburn & Tim Hardman

Series Two

︎︎︎ Sascha Akhtar
︎︎︎ Julia Calver
︎︎︎ Gesa Helms
︎︎︎ Karenjit Sandhu
︎︎︎ Tom Rodgers
︎︎︎ Jo Lee
︎︎︎ Vix Stephenson

Series One

︎︎︎ Anthony (Vahni) Capildeo
︎︎︎ Linda Cassels
︎︎︎ Mary Frances
︎︎︎ Helen Frank
︎︎︎ Mark Goodwin
︎︎︎ Jan Hopkins
︎︎︎ Terri Mullholland
︎︎︎ Phil Waterworth

Series One

Series One

Mark Goodwin
To 'B' nor as 'Tree'

Mark Goodwin is a poet, sound-artist, climber, and balancer. Written as performance, To 'B' nor as 'Tree' interacts with perceptions of ‘tree’ through typography and the consideration of words as page and as voice.

(A5, 16 pages, soft cover, staple-bound)

︎ @kramawoodgin