︎︎︎ Louise Smith, Rachel Smith, and Emma Bolland
︎︎︎ Rosie Blackburn & Tim Hardman

Series Two

︎︎︎ Sascha Akhtar
︎︎︎ Julia Calver
︎︎︎ Gesa Helms
︎︎︎ Karenjit Sandhu
︎︎︎ Tom Rodgers
︎︎︎ Jo Lee
︎︎︎ Vix Stephenson

Series One

︎︎︎ Anthony (Vahni) Capildeo
︎︎︎ Linda Cassels
︎︎︎ Mary Frances
︎︎︎ Helen Frank
︎︎︎ Mark Goodwin
︎︎︎ Jan Hopkins
︎︎︎ Terri Mullholland
︎︎︎ Phil Waterworth

Series Two

Series Two

Jo Lee
Wonky Hinges

Daily notes, academic scribblings, to do lists frequently need deciphering and reimagining as the pen on paper is often unreadable. These fragments offer both discontinuous uncertainty and possibilities for future constructions.

(A5, 16 pages, soft cover, staple-bound)