

intergraphia Series 4: OPEN CALL

We are delighted to announce that three of the eight pamphlets for series 4, launching autumn 2025, will be selected from an open call. Our guidelines and formatting specifications are very specific, so please read carefully before making a submission. Submission Window: 3 March, 9am GMT to 10 March, 12 am GMT, inclusive. We will endeavour to make our decision by 21 April. We regret that due to the anticipated number of submissions we will not be able to offer individual feedback to unsuccessful submissions.


intergraphia is an intersectional and inclusive publishing project. We are interested in hybrid works which push at the edges and boundaries of text and visual work. Your submission should be a completed work / works, not a work in progress. Familiarise yourself with our previously published work to get a better understanding of what we are interested in. (

Make sure to carefully read our formatting specifications below.

PLEASE NOTE: All submissions will be anonymised by the submissions host before we review them. If contacting us with a query, please do not refer to your submission in specific terms.

What to submit:
Document 1:  File name as ‘Last name_initials_manuscript’. Your titled manuscript. This document will be anonymised before we review it.
Document 2: File name as ‘Last name_initials_rationale. This document will only be seen after we have made our initial selection. This document should include:
  • Your name
  • A brief biography (100 words max)
  • A brief statement / exposition of the work (100 words max)
  • Referring to our publications, tell us why you think your work fits with intergraphia’s aims. (200 words max)
  • Optional: any other information you feel is neccessary (80 words max).
  • NOTE: Documents should be supplied in PDF. If selected we will require the original documents for any suggested in-house editing and design work.
Please send your files to: NOTE: this email is for submissions only and NOT for queries or other correspondence.
For queries contact

Formatting Specifications

  • Content: The pamphlet will comprise 12 X A5 pages of content (not including title page, colophon, or blank verso/recto. Allow for approximately 2 cm margins (except where full bleed is integral to your design).
  • Typeface / Font: For sections of, or whole manuscripts where the font is not part of a visual / concrete design, please use either Baskerville or Avenir Light (or similar fonts if these are not available to you) in 12 or 13 point size with 1.15 line space on A5 size pages.
  • Images / Visual content: Images or visual content should be greyscale. If selected these visual components should be available as separate files at 300dpi, should they not be of high enough resolution in your submitted manuscript.

Each pamphlet has an initial run of 60, with 5 copies sent to the artist / author. Further author copies are available at a discount. We use digital printing on unbleached recycled paper.

Series Two + Co-Labs Launch @ Small Publishers Fair 2023

In October 2023 we launched Series Two and our first Co-Lab publication at the Small Publishers Fair in London. The launch was accompanied by two performance readings from Karenjit Sandhu and Sascha A. Akhtar in the Green Room at Conway Hall.

Karenjit Sandhu
Baby 19 ︎

Sascha A. Akhtar
∑Void Song∩ ≠ Futurepast Sequence Of,... ︎

Site Gallery

On Friday 11th November 2022 we hosted a night of performances and readings at Site Gallery with some our artists and authors, including Phil Waterworth, Jan Hopkins, Linda Cassel s, and Mark Goodwin.

Small Publishers Fair

We launched our imprint and Series One at Small Publishers fair in London in October 2022.

Artist-editors Emma and Rachel gave a talk about the press and its ethos in the Library at Conway Hall.