︎︎︎ Louise Smith, Rachel Smith, and Emma Bolland
︎︎︎ Rosie Blackburn & Tim Hardman

Series Two

︎︎︎ Sascha Akhtar
︎︎︎ Julia Calver
︎︎︎ Gesa Helms
︎︎︎ Karenjit Sandhu
︎︎︎ Tom Rodgers
︎︎︎ Jo Lee
︎︎︎ Vix Stephenson

Series One

︎︎︎ Anthony (Vahni) Capildeo
︎︎︎ Linda Cassels
︎︎︎ Mary Frances
︎︎︎ Helen Frank
︎︎︎ Mark Goodwin
︎︎︎ Jan Hopkins
︎︎︎ Terri Mullholland
︎︎︎ Phil Waterworth

Series One

Series One

Phil Waterworth Thrupenny

Phil Waterworth is an artist, writer, and researcher who describes himself as a ‘disabled flâneur’. Thrupenny Memoirs is a memoir in concrete poetry of growing up in Wigan with considerations of the everyday and neglected spaces.

(A5, 16 pages, soft cover, staple-bound)

︎ @waterworthphil